• Topic: "Exploring the microbial diversity of lactic and acetic bacteria in exotic fruits of the North of Argentina for the production of metabolites beneficial for health or of industrial interest".Counterpart: Research Group of Industrial Microbiology and Food Biotechnology, Faculty of Sciences and Bioengineering Sciences. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), Brussels, Belgium.  Persons in charge: Dr. Fernanda Mozzi (Argentine), Dr. Luc De Vuyst (Belgium).
  • Topic: "Study of the functionality of lactic acid bacteria under stress conditions through proteomic analysis".Counterpart: Department of Microbiology. Institute of Biology, Bucharest, Romania.Person in charge: Drs. Fernanda Mozzi (Argentine), Medana Zamfir (Romania).
  • Topic: “Vegatable foods containing probiotics formal nourished populations-PROINFANT”Counterpart: Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo (CYTED)consortia consisting of researchers from Spain (CSIC, UCM, UV), Argentina (CERELA-CONICET, IBR-CONICET, INQUINOA-CONICET, INTA-FAMAILLA ), Colombia (UDEA), Guatemala (INCAP), Italia (UCSC, UNIFG), Mexico(CIAD, ITV, ITESM), Nicaragua (UNAM) and Peru (UCSS), Argentinean coordinator: Dr. Jean Guy LeBlanc
  • Topic: “Vitamin producing lactic acid bacteria and fruit-juices subproducts for the elaboration of bio-enriched prototype foods”. Counterpart: Universidad do Sao Paulo, Brazil (Dr Bernadette Franco). Responsible: Dr. Jean Guy LeBlanc